Over the past few years, there have been many movements to improve our lifestyle choices to better our health. Iconic role models such as Michelle Obama have created programs to educate people on eating well and getting active. While all of these programs are amazing with all of the resources they offer, I think it can sometimes be too much for some people to digest. So I decided to break down the reasons why you should eat locally and answer any possible question you may have about "going local."
What does eating local mean?
Eating locally means consuming food products that have been grown around you. Local foods are often harvested on smaller farms and the product is often transported over shorter geographic distances. Because of these smaller farms, the products are sold directly to the consumer - no middle man needed.
Where do I find locally sourced food and products?
Local Farmers Market.
- At a farmers market, farmers transport their own products from their farms and sell them directly to the consumer. In this case, you can be sure these products are fresh and local.
Local Children Attending the Opening of the Annual Travelers Rest Farmers Market.
CSA Programs
- CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, such programs like these give consumers direct products from a local farm each week or month.
Local Restaurants and Grocers
- The last option which may be the easiest for people/ families with a busy lifestyle is picking up local produce at your own grocery store. Many stores will receive products directly from farmers daily or weekly. Another option is Greenville has many restaurants that serve local produce and products on their menus. So if you're feeling lazy and don't want to cook head downtown!
What are the benefits of eating local?
- You are supporting your local economy
- Reduces the amount of energy required to transport the food, so it helps the environment. Leaving less of a carbon footprint.
- It encourages community involvement and relationships, you can actually talk to the farmers that grow your food.
- By eating local you are eating seasonally, which can help avoid artificial ripeners as well as other chemicals that are used to grow food out of season.
- It helps preserve green space. If we eat local we will preserve our farms around us.
- Local foods have more nutrients because there is a shorter amount of time from when the products are picked to when it is sold.
I hope after learning all about eating local you will actually realize how simple it is to do. I hope you realize the amazing benefits you and your community receive from eating locally. I also hope you will consider changing your lifestyle and your families to incorporate locally grown food.
Grub on!
- Phebe